How We Met
I had heard about my friend Deric’s new roommate who had just moved back to Denver but fate would send me towards other unworthy suitors for a few months. When I finally met him, I walked into the Ritz Carlton in Beaver Creek and Matt was standing in the lobby wearing a cape. I turned to my friend, Lauren, asking ‘Who is that?” in the oh la la kind of way. Is that love at first sight? We talked that night about halloumi cheese.
- Charlotte
I had just moved back to Colorado from SF and was finally able to rejoin my friends for an annual ski challenge for the first time in years. My roommate Deric had subtly mentioned before that I should meet Charlotte, although when she joined the group later that afternoon I remember just watching him talk to her for what felt like forever instead of introducing me. Chatty guy. We ended up talking a bit that evening but it took a few more months of occasional interaction before we finally set up a date (which was almost Water World but we got sushi instead).
- Matt
The Proposal
I knew the ring we picked out would be arriving any day but we were off to Spain with my family and I was sure Matt would be ringless. Then one morning in Barcelona Matt gently woke me up asking me if I wanted to go on a hike. That was a giveaway. Matt doesn’t like making plans or hiking. But in trying to play dumb, I forgot to dress cute. Anyways, he swept me away from my family, after me asking several times why we were being exclusive and sneaking out, and we drove up the coast to a small beach town. After a few hours hiking along a beautiful, dramatic (rainy) coastal trail, Matt found an old British couple and chased them down to take our picture. The old man watched (and took exactly 3 pictures) as Matt got down on his knee - and finally after a few moments of silence says “I forgot what I was going to say, will you marry me?” Then we hugged each other, and the British couple too. We celebrated with sandwiches and sangria on our hike back.
- Charlotte
It all happened very quickly, as I was given explicit instruction to “not do anything until I finish grad school”. Fast forward about 12 hours past graduation and Charlotte made it clear that she was expecting a ring any day now. I started moving as fast as I could, in the back of my head knowing we were planning a trip to Spain, although by the time all the ducks were in a row, the ring wasn’t going to get here in time. I made one last call to the jeweler asking very nicely what they could do, then packed my bag thinking we would not be engaged on the flight home.
The ring miraculously arrived early (the day I was leaving) so then I went into full scramble planning mode. After a few unsuccessful google searches of “where to get engaged in Barcelona” (seriously) it all came together pretty well, although it was very not-smooth. I had no cover story, certainly no photographer (enter unwilling elderly couple) and zero precedent for dragging Charlotte out of bed to go hiking. She definitely knew it was coming but whatever - we had a spectacular day to ourselves hiking up the Costa Brava and she said yes - so it was perfect. I did forget what to say.
- Matt